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According to the Wall St Journal the real estate market on the West coast may be hitting a head wind. Is the 7 year bull market in for a slow down? As most real estate professionals know home prices cannot go up forever. It appears based on recent sales data
Buying a home is a daunting process for anyone. With so much fine print to read, options to consider and decisions to make, it’s no wonder we often hire somebody to help us with the process. If you’re self-employed, you might face even more challenges with loans, deductions and more.
There has never been a generation quite as consequential as the baby boomers. They forever transformed music and politics, ushered in the computer era, pioneered fanciful notions like free love, recreational drugs,, and Hot Pockets. So what do they do for an encore? Completely reshape retirement.
Get ready for a
When you buy a pre-owned home, do you know what will come with the house? Do you get to keep all the appliances, the art on the walls or the outdoor pizza oven on the patio?
Determining what will stay with the home and what will go with the previous owner